

Matt Gemmell publishes Raw Materials, a collection of personal essays →

August 22, 2014 |

I’m excited to announce that I’ve compiled an anthology of some of my most popular personal essays, and made them available as an e-book. The collection is entitled Raw Materials, and includes revised and updated versions of each piece, with new author’s notes after each one, plus an exclusive extra essay written especially for the collection.

It’s great to have this selection available as a Kindle book. As much as I enjoy Matt’s writing about technology, software development, productivity and the like, I believe his more personal pieces are when he is undoubtedly at his best.1

To me, it’s also interesting to find out which stories he chose to include in the book, because there’s certainly no shortage of great material to choose from in his body of work. As usual, Matt doesn’t disappoint here.

This book is the perfect way to introduce your friends to one of the best writers on the web today. Actually, scratch that. One of the best writers, period.

  1. I still don’t know how his fiction writing is, but I can’t wait to find out.