

Apple iPhone Will Fail in a Late, Defensive Move →

March 18, 2014 |

Matthew Lynn, writing for Bloomberg back in January 2007:

To its many fans, Apple is more of a religious cult than a company. An iToaster that downloads music while toasting bread would probably get the same kind of worldwide attention. Dont let that fool you into thinking that it matters. The big competitors in the mobile-phone industry such as Nokia Oyj and Motorola Inc. wont be whispering nervously into their clamshells over a new threat to their business. The iPhone is nothing more than a luxury bauble that will appeal to a few gadget freaks. In terms of its impact on the industry, the iPhone is less relevant.

Wow. It’s actually pretty hard to be this wrong about anything.

Apple will sell a few to its fans, but the iPhone won't make a long-term mark on the industry.

He totally nailed that one.

Via Hacker News.