

Rands on the daunting task of getting started →

April 05, 2011 |

The fifth version of Rands in Repose has been a long time coming, but it’s close. The design is done and the migration of content is mostly complete. The process of learning an entirely new publishing platform is underway and mostly painless. What remains is an ever-growing list of details supplied by the act of starting.

Rands finally started updating his blog (not that there was anything wrong with it), and shares some valuable insight on the intricacies of getting started. This article is easily one of my favorites, with great tips on how to trigger our own creativity engines and save the day.

There’s also a bit of news on the technical front, but nothing too surprising at this point:

More importantly, there hasn’t been a driving need to update the site - just the increasing stench of death emanating from the MovableType platform.

Yes, Rands finally bids farewell to MovableType. This is understandable, since its parent company, Six Apart, is being sold around more or less every two days. Not exactly a great way to portray confidence in a product.

I’m eager to know what his new publishing platform of choice will be. If I were a betting man my money would be on Wordpress, since in my experience it would probably be the easiest platform to migrate to. However, I’m secretly hoping for him to come out with something really geeky, new and unexpected. In any case, he definitely knows a great deal more about this stuff than I do, so we’ll see.