

Candid, Episode #20: Photokina Predictions →

June 30, 2016 |

This week, with Josh still on vacation, Marius & I chat about Siri image search concerns, more WWDC details, and what we can expect to see in the camera market over the next year.

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Candid Conversations: Paul Matthijs of Hedge →

June 22, 2016 |

In this week’s episode, Josh is on vacation somewhere in beautiful Europe, so Marius and I are joined by Paul Matthijs, CEO of Hedge. Hedge is a wonderful Mac app that lets you easily offload footage from any source to multiple destinations, all while protecting and verifying your data.

Copying large amounts of data through the Finder is not only an inefficient process, it is also unsafe. Finder doesn’t support data verification, and the last thing you need when handling sensitive data is to fall victim to data corruption.

Even if you’ve never been burned yet, you need a way to safely copy your footage from the original capture device to its archival destination. We all do. Data corruption is not an uncertainty: at some point or another, it will happen. The question is, are you ready for it?

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m fascinated by clever apps like Hedge. Paul was kind enough to share with us a bit of the story behind the app’s creation, their pricing strategy, and the philosophy that drives their team.

You can get a free, week-long trial of Hedge at their website, but there’s more. Candid listeners get an exclusive 20% discount when purchasing the app through this link. It’s a terrific deal.

Many thanks to Paul for joining us this week. If you haven’t tried Hedge yet, I can’t recommend it enough.

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CHANGER, by Matt Gemmell →

June 22, 2016 |

Matt Gemmell’s new novel, CHANGER, was released today. For those of us who are members on Matt’s personal site, this is a very special day. We’ve been walking alongside him right from day one, and we’ve watched with excitement and anticipation as he relentlessly inched closer and closer to the finish line. It’s been humbling to watch Matt deal with the struggle, all without ever losing faith in himself or his writing. Today, we all celebrate.

It’s been a great journey. Writing a book is no small deed — only the tree and the child missing now, I guess — and I for one feel very fortunate to have witnessed its birth from our tiny little window: Matt’s newsletter, The Writer’s Life.

Of course, the best part — you know, the actual reading — comes now. For what it’s worth, I’m only halfway through the first chapter and I’m already hooked. I’d say I’m surprised, but Matt always did have a way with words.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I left a ruthless mercenary doing some pretty nasty things and I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Care to join me?

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My review of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End was published yesterday on Tools & Toys. Long story short: it’s a jaw-droppingly beautiful game, and one of the most rewarding gaming experiences ever. If you’re a fan of the series, this is an absolute must-play.

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Hello there, welcome to this special, to go edition of Morning Coffee.

Life’s been particularly busy around these parts lately, and I’m afraid I’ll continue to be pressed for time for the next few days at least. As a result, there will be no essay this week, and instead I’ll leave you with the usual selection of some of the best pieces of writing on the Internet — and yes, that’s Internet with a capital “I”.

It’s important to keep a flexible enough work schedule. That will help you accommodate most changes without disrupting your plans, most of the time. It’s just a smart thing to do, and provides some extra peace of mind. I always try to do that.

Eventually, however, a day will come when circumstances change beyond your control and/or ability to anticipate those changes, and you’ll have to adapt. And sometimes, you’ll need to accept there’s nothing you can do about it. Learning to be OK with that can be quite difficult, but it’s also a very valuable skill, as it allows you to keep your eye on the ball despite the occasional hiccup.

I suppose there’s a lesson to be learned from that.

Issue #43: Motorcycle-proof cameras and the death of the Internet

No animals, domestic or otherwise, were harmed in the selection of these pieces. Enjoy responsibly.

The Day the Internet Became “internet” | Alyssa Bereznak →

The Associated Press has now officially changed their AP Stylebook to de-capitalize the words “internet”, and “web”. Moreover, many important publications, including The New York Times, have announced they will follow suit. No offense, but the AP, the NYT, and whoever else has a problem with capitalizing the Internet can kiss my ass on this one.

Crafting My Home Office | Ben Brooks →

Great piece from Ben on how important it is to ruthlessly defend your working space. I wholeheartedly agree — and by the way: nice office, Ben.

Two and a half years, 13 countries, 1 camera: The Leica M Review | Sebastiaan de With →

This is without a doubt the best Leica M review you’ll see on the Web — see what I did there?

In fact, this review is so good that it had me looking at used Leica M3’s on eBay for a good long while after I finished reading it. And if you’re a Candid listener, you know I don’t say that lightly.

Rafael Nadal a victim of his own mental and physical strengths | Greg Garber →

Rafael Nadal is one of the best tennis players ever, but his incredibly physical playing style has been taking a tremendous toll on his body for many years now, and he may be close to breaking down for good.

Comparisons? Golden State Warriors Are Playing a Different Game | Harvey Araton →

The Warriors are making history, and there are two very good reasons for that: Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson.

Star Wars Episode IV in one picture | Martin Panchaud →

This bonus link for the week was absolutely brilliant.


Just like the foreword, I’m afraid the afterword will have to be cut short this week. Life permitting, the usual Morning Coffee format will be back next week. Until then, have a wonderful Sunday, and thank you for reading.

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Candid, Episode #16: Zooms vs. Primes & Mosquitos vs. Pyjama Bottoms →

June 05, 2016 |

There’s not a clear-cut main topic in this week’s episode, and instead we touched on a lot of different things, including the everlasting zooms vs. primes debate, and the proper attire to combat wild mosquitoes in the Canadian wilderness. I really like how this one turned out.

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