

This Could Help, the new book by Patrick Rhone, is available today →

November 20, 2014 |

What an unexpected and delightful surprise. But what’s this book about? Patrick explains:

I’m not sure what this book will mean to you, personally. All I know is that it could help.

Help what? I’m not entirely sure. In fact, I can’t even say for sure it will help everyone who reads it — though I certainly hope it will.

What I do know is that some part of this could help you in some area of life. It could help you in your job. It could help you in a relationship. It could help you get through a trying time or a creative struggle. Or, it could just let you know you are not alone — that there is at least one other person who has faced similar struggles and sought to help you with yours.

So, if you find yourself in the middle of a problem, a crossroads, or a barrier, read this book. It could help.

One of the things I most enjoy about Patrick’s writing is how he doesn’t pretend to know everything. Instead, by reading his words you get a very real look at a very real person. A person with struggles just like yours, and fears you perhaps thought nobody else had. Best of all, a person with a seemingly infinite capacity for empathy and selflessness.

If that wasn’t enough to convince you, you can use coupon code FLASH30 for a 30% discount valid through today.

You’re nuts if you don’t buy it right now.